Measles: All We Need to Know
This presentation was recorded during the Essex Metro Immunization Coalition Quarterly Meeting in March 2024. This presentation will provide a review of the epidemiology of measles, including current trends and prevalence. Rashes that mimic measles will be discussed to assist in accurate diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis and strategies for the prevention of measles will also be explored. Finally, this program will focus on the importance of reporting a communicable disease such as measles to public health authorities, as timely and accurate reporting is crucial in protecting community health.
Speaker: Uzma Naveen Hasan, M.D.
Target Audience: Nurses, Physicians, Community Health Workers, Health Educators
Learning Outcome: At the conclusion of the program, participants will report an increase in knowledge related to current trends in measles and intent to include information learned into practice.
Continuing Nursing Education Contact Hours: This program has been awarded 1.0 contact hours.
The Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the New Jersey State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Provider Number: P194-3/23-26.
Approval status does not imply endorsement by the Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey, NJSNA or by ANCC of any commercial products discussed/displayed in conjunction with the educational activity.
Successful Completion: To receive contact hours for viewing this recorded program, the registrant must view the entire presentation and complete and submit a post-test and evaluation. A certificate of completion will be distributed from Teachable after completion of the curriculum.
Disclosure/Commercial Support: The planners and speaker do not have any conflicts of interest to report for this activity. There is no commercial support for this activity.
Cost: This program is free, but registration is required.